
DRUM 18"X30"

Spieth America

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Product Overview

Cradles and Drums can be used for basic movement, gross and fine motor development, coordination and balance. Drums are excellent for developing tumbling, walkover and handspring skills. Sold separately, cradles can be used to support the drums or on their own creating bridges and tunnels. They are a great addition to any obstacle course. Optional Sizes Available: • Small: 12" x 30" - RED [CDR-1] • Medium: 18" x 30" - YELLOW [CDR-2] • Large: 24" x 30" - BLUE [CDR-3] OR • Small: 12" x 30" - PINK [CDR-1-JFK] • Medium: 18" x 30" - YELLOW [CDR-2-JFK] • Large: 24" x 30" - LIGHT BLUE [CDR-3-JFK] ITEM NO: CDR-1 [12in. x 30in.] CDR-2 [18in. x 30in.] CDR-3 [24in. x 30in.]


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